So there I was. In the Etsy chat room. Minding my own business, excepting those times when I was minding others' business. Someone entered the chat room that I didn't know, but couldn't ignore. This individual was searching for crocheters for a project ... a project too enticing to deny. Yes, my fellow chatter wanted a gnome hat.
Now, I have never before created a gnome hat, so I hesitated to offer my services. Instead, I simply informed the gnome that I would make a hat, and link it when it was finished. After some time, I came up with a pattern that I deemed acceptable, and created the hat that you see here.
Is it a good hat? Is it a hat that a respectable gnome could be proud to wear? Is the picture quality as poor as I believe it to be? These answers I leave to you, dear reader ... I'm afraid that I can't see the forest for the trees.