For instance, I have used Discover card for nine years with absolutely no problems. In fact, I receive one percent cash back from Discover on every purchase that I make with my Discover card, and I receive five percent cash back on certain purchases. Since I never spend more money than I would otherwise be spending (and therefore, never more money than I have to spend), I am able to pay off my credit card bill every month, thereby avoiding interest charges and late fees.
In this manner, I essentially earn a free 1-5% cash back on all of my purchases, just by using a credit card. This has been a very lucrative arrangement for me, although I'm sure that it would not work out for everyone. I think everyone responds differently to credit cards, and different credit cards are best for different people. The key to using credit cards to your advantage is to make certain that you never spend more money than you otherwise would spend.
In this manner, I essentially earn a free 1-5% cash back on all of my purchases, just by using a credit card. This has been a very lucrative arrangement for me, although I'm sure that it would not work out for everyone. I think everyone responds differently to credit cards, and different credit cards are best for different people. The key to using credit cards to your advantage is to make certain that you never spend more money than you otherwise would spend.