Sunday, June 7, 2009

Broken Camera and Whatnot

So, my camera is broken. Yesterday, my fiance took it outside to take pictures and dropped it on the cement. This is very sad for me, since it's what I've been using to take pictures of my Etsy items with. The lens is stuck. Not stuck in the normal way that one means when one says "stuck," however. I push power, it makes a terrible sound, the lens may or may not move around a bit, then the screen reads "turn off and back on." I do this with the same results. Lovely. So I beat it against the desk a bit. This failed to solve my problem, strangely. It did make the lens jiggle a bit more when it comes on, however. I call that progress. And I felt better about myself for it. So I've been using my scanner to scan in images for Etsy for the last day and a half or so. Later, I'll open the camera up with a little tiny screwdriver and see how much damage I can do inside a $600 camera.

In other news I just ate a cherry pie from Kroger that had no sugar added. It was delicious and I recommend it. In fact, maybe I'll review it later. Yes, it was that good. Or I'm that desperate for something to review. Whatever.

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